Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Street Dogs

Here's yet another band that crept into a pandora channel of mine. Their song "Free" connected with me, so I downloaded an album and have been listening to it in the car for the past few days as well as learning how to play a few of the songs.

here's a sampling from their "State of Grace" album.



Monday, December 13, 2010

The Yoshida Brothers

My uncle linked them on facebook and I thought it was cool. Always fun seeing old instruments being used in newer music. You get tired of the same guitar, bass, drums and keyboards all of the time.

Monday, December 6, 2010


Yeah, I'm slacking. I warned you about this in the inaugural post. I've been shifting through music styles almost daily, so nothing has really kept my attention long enough to warrant a post.

Anyway, GoRemy (comedic rapper based in northern VA) released a new song a little while back. Here is some of his stuff. A lot of his stuff is either local references or him making fun of his middle-eastern heritage.

Saudis in Audis

Metro Song


Hey There Khalilah

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Abney Park

Abney Park is a band that crept into one of my pandora channels. They're sort of industrial, sort of tribal, sort of electronic, sort of classical. They blend in the steam-punk aesthetic to their image and music.

Have a listen. The third tune reminds me of another band I was introduced to via a different pandora channel called "Alestorm" (pirate metal?).

Airship Pirate:


Æther Shanty

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Ulterior Motives

So, here's a post with an ulterior motive... check out
"The Last Monarchs".
I've known the violin player for ~10 years so I can't deny that I may be biased, but that doesn't change the fact that they're a fun band. check them out and leave a comment here to tell me what you think.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Doctor Steel

Dr. Phineas Waldolf Steel is a mad scientist/toy designer/musician who is bent on world domination. I'll leave the description at that.

vids 1-3 show the man, vids 3-4 show the tunes

I like the song in video 4 best.

Friday, July 2, 2010

SomethingALaMode feat K. Flay

I first came across K. Flay while listening to MC Lars a few months ago. She did a guest verse on "We Have Arrived" along with Lars and YTCracker and it stuck with me. I recently stumbled across her collaboration with a french duo called "Something A La Mode". They make interesting use of classical string instruments. I like seeing an actual cello being played rather than just another synth.

anyway, here's 5 am by Something A La Mode, featuring K. Flay. Enjoy.

Purpose of this blog

Let us face it... most of you listen to horrible music. It's not your fault, you simply listen to what you're exposed to. You don't have the time to go looking for interesting tunes, so you end up with an iPod full of auto-tuned, over-produced, MTV-friendly, 4-chord, cookie cutter music. "This album sold 500k copies... it must be good". Windows ME sold millions of copies... it's still garbage (no offense to the band "Garbage").

The purpose of this blog is as a repository for whatever music I stumble across and find interesting. Some of the stuff I post here you may really like, some of it you may despise. Either is okay. At some point after posting, I'll probably hate a song or two I've posted here. I guarantee however that you'll broaden your musical horizons. Give each tune a listen. Let me know what you think. Maybe look up some other songs by the same artist. Above all.. keep an open mind. Don't discount a tune simply because "that's genre X, and I don't like genre X"

updates will be haphazard and ill-timed.