Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Classical plus Metal and some other stuff I've been listening to

I've been listening to some weird stuff lately (big surprise). Here's some of it. note: as always, if you don't like the first few songs of a post, don't give up... the others may be vastly different.

Atomis ~ Maelstrom This is a band I discovered from a youtube video (thanks vsauce2). I actually gave them currency to help them record more music. The vocals are a bit screamy, but don't let that frighten you. give it a listen, it's not what you think.

Means End ~ Nox Aurumque Again, thanks to vsauce2 for this one. The original version of this song is a choral piece that plays opposite to Lux Aurumque. Add in a 8 string guitar, drum kit, and 5 string bass guitar... replace the choir with a single powerful vocalist, and you have something special.

Cat and the Menagerie ~ Better Song came to be in a strange little flash game. not really my style, yet I can't stop listening

video followed by game link.

game here: