Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Street Dogs

Here's yet another band that crept into a pandora channel of mine. Their song "Free" connected with me, so I downloaded an album and have been listening to it in the car for the past few days as well as learning how to play a few of the songs.

here's a sampling from their "State of Grace" album.



Monday, December 13, 2010

The Yoshida Brothers

My uncle linked them on facebook and I thought it was cool. Always fun seeing old instruments being used in newer music. You get tired of the same guitar, bass, drums and keyboards all of the time.

Monday, December 6, 2010


Yeah, I'm slacking. I warned you about this in the inaugural post. I've been shifting through music styles almost daily, so nothing has really kept my attention long enough to warrant a post.

Anyway, GoRemy (comedic rapper based in northern VA) released a new song a little while back. Here is some of his stuff. A lot of his stuff is either local references or him making fun of his middle-eastern heritage.

Saudis in Audis

Metro Song


Hey There Khalilah